Vol. 56 Nr. 6 (2020)
Vol. 56 Nr. 6 (2020)


Myrzak V., Gotelyak A.V., Dikusar A.I.
On the Size Effects of the Coatings Surfaces Properties Obtained at Electrodeposition of Alloys of Iron Group Metals With Tungsten
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Kroitoru D.M., Silkin S.A., Kazak N.N., Ivashku S.Kh., Petrenko V.I., Poshtaru A.G., Yurchenko V.I., Yurchenko E.V.
Physicomechanical and Tribological Properties of Carbon-Containing Surface Nanocomposites Obtained by Electrospark Alloying
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Dikusar A.I., Likrizon E.A., Dikusar G.K
High Rate Pulse-Galvanostatic Anodic Dissolution of Nickel-Chromium Steels in Electrolytes for Their Electrochemical Machining. Impact of Surface Temperature.
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Grigor’ev A.I., Shiryayeva S.O.
Electromagnetic Radiation of Ball Lightning
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Koshel N.D., Smirnova E.V.
Non-stationary Electrochemical Processes in Ion Exchangers
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Sergeev S.А., Meshalkin A.Yu., Iovu M.S.
Diffraction Structures Formed by Two Crossed Superimposed Diffraction Gratings
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Gaidar G.P.
Influence of Thermal Treatment on Thermoelectric Figure of Merit of Silicon Doped via Nuclear Transmutation Method
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Mogilnaya T.Yu., Krit B.L., Morozova N.V., Kuvshinov V.V, Sleptsov V.V., Fedotikova M.V., Pagava L.L., Gorozheev M.Yu.
Assessment of the Impurities Impact on Achieving the Effect of Local Surface Plasmon Resonance
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Nikolaeva A.A., Konopko L.A., Huber T.E., Popov I.A., Para Gh.I., Botnari O.V.
Features of Longitudinal Magnetoresistance and Shubnikov de Haas Oscillations in Bi<sub>1-x</sub>Sb<sub>x</sub> Semiconductor Nanowires
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Lanin V.L., Grishchenko Y.N., Hatskevich A.D.
High-Frequency Soldering of Microblocks Packages from Diamagnetic Alloys
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Palistrant N.A., Bivol V.V., Ursu V.A., Cebotari I.D., Palistrant C.A.
Between sunrise and sunset: life, full of deep meaning
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Nikolenko S.V., Konevtsov L.A.
In Memoriam Valery Ivanovich Ivanov
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