Multifractal Surface Characteristics of Thin Gas-Sensitive Films of Copper-Containing Polyacrylonitrile


CZU 541.123:54621




In this paper, the study of the surface of thin films of copper-containing polyacrylonitrile (PAN) was carried out by atomic force microscopy. The distribution function over the height of the surface profile was analyzed by the method of multifractal detrended fluctuation analysis (MPDFA). The parameters for this analysis were: the fractal dimension, the correlation dimension, the scaling index, the Hurst index (H). Investigation of the surface of thin films of copper-containing PAN using MFDFA confirmed the assumption that the surface is multifractal. Technological features of the production of films determine the frequency of occurrence of structures of different fractal dimensions along the surface of the films, which is reflected in the Hurst index. The bend on the mulfractal spectrum is present in cases where the films have gas sensitivity with a coefficient S = 0.35 or more.


Keywords: thin films, polyacrylonitrile, self-organization theory, multifractal fluctuation analysis.

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