On Stability of Capillary Waves on a Surface of a Layer of a Viscous Conducive-Liquid on a Metal Wire


UDC 77.051.15: 621.384.8


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.2629528


Analytically, in a linear approach on the dimensionless amplitude of capillary waves on the charged surface of a layer of a viscous conducive liquid on a metal wire, the dispersive equation is derived. It is shown that the wire exerts the stabilizing influence on capillary waves. The influence of a wire becomes essential only at great values of its radius. Emergence of an electric charge on a layer of the liquid leads to complication of a range of the implemented movements of the liquid and to a quantitative change of values of frequencies, increments, and decrements.


Keywords: cylindrical liquid layer, charge, viscosity, conductivity, instability.

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