Reversible Polarization Holographic Recording on As<sub>2</sub>S<sub>3</sub>-Se Multilayer Nanostructures


UDC  681.785.552




Polarization holographic recording of diffraction gratings and their subsequent erasing was investigated on As2S3-Se multilayer nanostructures. The influence of pre-exposure up to complete photo-induced changes of optical properties on diffraction gratings recording was studied. It was shown that pre-exposure of As2S3-Se multilayer nanostructure led to photo-bleaching and the maximum achievable diffractive efficiency equivalent to 35% did not change, but the required value of exposure was increased. Thus, we have shown that we are responsible for the use of a stylus to the maximum diffraction gratings. In addition it was shown that exposure by one laser beam led to complete erasure of recorded up to maximum diffraction grating. The performed 7 cycles of recording-erasing showed that the kinetics of the diffraction efficiency growth and its maximal value did not change that indicated that As2S3-Se multilayer structure is capable for reversible holographic recording in orthogonal circular polarizations. AFM measurements of recorded gratings showed that the main factor determining the diffraction efficiency value was surface relief modulation up to 200 nm.


Keywords: chalcogenide multilayer nanostructure, reversible holographic recording, direct surface relief formation, diffraction efficiency.

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