On Nonlinear Deformation Amendment to Frequencies of Osсillation of Strongly Charged Drop in Electrostatic Suspension


UDC 532.59:534.1


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1053244


In nonlinear asymptotic calculations of the fourth order for eccentricity size (which measures the stationary deformation of the charged drop in an external electro-static field) and of the first order for the dimensionless amplitude of its osсillation, the frequency of a strongly charged drop in a weaker external uniform electrostatic field is calculated. The deformation amendments to the frequency connected with the change of an equilibrium form of a drop in comparison with its spherical one are found. As the drop surface area in an external field increases, the frequency of the osсillation of the drop decreases and the deformation amendment has one sign (negative). When the drop charge tends to the critical (to the limit as the stability in relation to the superposition of its own and induced charges), the amendment size is comparable with the frequency by the order of magnitude.


Keywords: drop, charge, electrostatic field, frequency, deformation nonlinear amendment.

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