The known information concerning the aircraft crashes, which have occurred on length last 15 years, was divided by authors in two groups: to the first group it was referred the crashes due to the technical de- fects of airplanes and the crashes, which are the results of the airplane impingements, are corresponded to the second group. It is suppose that in the last case the crashes are most probably connected with human ele- ment. Taking into account the well determined correlation of severe automobile accidents (with lethal out- come) with magnetic storms it can be proposed that, in the case of correctness of the accepted supposition, the aircraft crashes of second group will form a group in the time period of height solar activity in the curve of dependence of Wolff index on the time W = W(t), and the aircraft crashes of the first group will be uni- formly distributed on the time scale, i.e. will get also in the fields of W(t) curve minima. Namely such suppo- sition is confirmed by the data which authors disposed. The time period of 15 years was already quite suffi- cient to obtain the statistical materials concerning crashes and is not so significant to take into account the great distinctions in the flying-performance characteristics and technical parameters of the airplanes.