With the technological developments of high-speed, high performance weaving machines, the exist- ing drawbacks of common warp sizing procedures and practices have become even more critical. Although warp sizing and fabric desizing are centuries-old processes and have undergone some significant improve- ments, they still remain expensive, complicated, and environmentally harmful. The optimal way to further improve significantly the cotton yarn weaving process and its ecological impact on the textile industry lies in the reduction and minimization of the size add-on and, eventually, in the elimination of the sizing process altogether. On the basis of the research presented here, it is proposed to use an ultrasonic cavitation technol- ogy in the starch splitting process. This technology offers a significant improvement in the physio-chemical properties of the starch-based sizing agents for preparation of high-quality cotton warps for efficient weav- ing. In addition, this technology reduces consumption of expensive food raw materials and renders the weav- ing process ecologically friendly.