The paper offers certain new data, developing the earlier information, on the effect of the remote contact be- tween two sprouting seeds of maize resulting from a 24-hour simultaneous swelling of these seeds, embrio-butted. Un- der stressful conditions, such as low or high temperature, concentrated NaCl solution, γ-radiation, created for one of the separated seeds and removed from the other one at a distance of several kilometers, the second seed (unstressed and removed) exhibits certain changes in its morphological, physiological and genetic characteristics. They are: inversion, bioisomerism (leftness vs. rightness) of sprouts, acceleration of germination and of the growth of sprouts and vegetating plants, increase of the number of chromosomal abberations in the primary roots of sprouts. А short action of γ–radiation on some seeds from the system (about 100 pieces) leads to changes of the genetic conditions not only of the irradiated seeds but also of the non- irradiated ones. In the meanwhile, in the cells of the sprouts roots grown from non- irradiated seeds, the number of chromosomal abberations significantly increases in comparison with the control. The discussed effect proportionally depends on the irradiation dose; its electromagnetic and non-electromagnetic mecha- nisms are considered. The question is raised of a quantum entanglement of the seeds, that arises during their simultane- ous swelling.