Size Effect in Electroplating: Method of Determination and Cell for its Evaluation


CZU 544.65




It is shown that the response of the functional property of the precipitate to the action of dimensional factors of the electrolysis conditions equally determines the dimensional property of the electrolyte. It was established that the most universal methods for estimating size effects can be formed on the basis of the correlation of dimensionless values of a number of given and magnitude-directed  values of the size factor with a number of corresponding values of the sediment functional parameter. With the help of such methods, it is possible to quantify the relative coincidence or mismatch of changes in a given series of values of a size parameter with the obtained values of a series of sediment parameters, or by the proportion of coincidence of changes in a number of values of a size parameter with changes in a number of values of a sediment parameter. It is also shown that the study of the dimensional properties of electrolytes and deposits, depending on the type of dimensional factors and their scales, can expand the possibilities of the electrolytes used, increase the controllability of the formation of the functional parameter of the deposit, obtain new information about the process of the deposition of nanostructured deposits, and reveal the factors that were not previously in the focus of attention. A method of determination and a cell for the quantitative evaluation of the dimensional properties of the precipitate and the electrolyte from internal and external dimensional factors are presented.


Keywords: electrolyte property, method, indicator, scaling hierarchy, dimensional parameter, directed values, influence level, functional parameter, dimensionless value, dimensional effect.

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