Investigation of the Energy and Power Characteristics of a High-Voltage Electrochemical Explosion in a Condensed Medium


CZU 532:537



Based on an analysis of the results of the experimental studies of the energy characteristics of a high-voltage electrochemical explosion in a condensed medium, the optimal value of the specific electrical energy introduced into the discharge channel was established, which ensures the maximum release of chemical (thermal) energy of exothermic reactions in the discharge channel. This makes it possible to significantly reduce electrical energy consumption by releasing the maximum amount of additional chemical energy, and consequently, reduce the weight and dimensions of electrical equipment and minimize the consumption of exothermic compositions when implementing technological operations using a high-voltage electrochemical explosion in a condensed medium. As a result of studying the power characteristics, it was established that the amplitude of the pressure wave generated by a high-voltage electrochemical explosion in a condensed medium is determined by the electrical energy introduced into the discharge channel and does not depend on the mass of the exothermic composition. The condition for generating the maximum pressure pulse coincides with the condition for the release of maximum chemical energy and is determined by the optimal value of the specific electrical energy. The established patterns can be used in the synthesis of combined energy sources for discharge-pulse technologies.


Keywords: high-voltage electrochemical explosion, condensed medium, exothermic composition, pulse current generator, discharge-pulse technologies, specific electrical energy, pressure wave amplitude, pressure pulse.

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