Formation of Wave Fields in a Metal Melt under the Influence of Magnetic-Pulse Loading and Discharge Current Pulses


CZU 537.528:621.3.017:534.21




Based on mathematical modeling, a study of the wave fields in molten aluminum formed by the action of a pulse, electric discharge and combined sources was carried out. A comparative analysis of their influence on the wave fields in the melt was performed. An increase in the intensity of the wave fields under the influence of a combined method of loading the melt was registerd. The occurrence of cavitation in the melt under the influence of the considered sources of pressure pulses has been determined. The energy features of the action of pressure fields on the melt are noted. The influence of the mass of the melt on the pressure fields arising in it is shown.


Keywords: electric discharge, melt, acoustic wave processes, magnetic-pulse loading.

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