Ferromagnetic Properties of Silicon Doped with Manganese Atoms


CZU 537.622.4


DOI  https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2024.60.3.28


The study of the ferromagnetic properties of silicon diffusion-doped with manganese impurity atoms makes it possible to determine the magnetic properties of this material. Depending on the technology of obtaining such samples, manganese may be located predominantly in the nodes or interstices of the silicon crystal lattice. It has been established that observations of the ferromagnetic properties of silicon are mainly related to the concentration of holes and the exchange interaction of holes in silicon. The study showed that the d-shell of manganese atoms can be filled with electrons, which leads to the appearance of the magnetic property of silicon doped with manganese atoms. The obtained research results showed a possibility to obtain a magnetic material with ferro-magnetic properties based on silicon doped with manganese impurity atoms, which can be widely used in the creation of spintronic devices in magnetoelectronics.


Keywords: silicon, manganese, diffusion, nanocluster, impurity, hysteresis.

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