The Elemental Composition Investigation of Silicon Doped with Gallium and Antimony Atoms


CZU 621.315.592




This work is devoted to the development of a diffusion technology for creating gallium antimonide (GaSb)-type complexes in the silicon crystal lattice as well as to the study of the electrical characteristics of the resulting layers. Based on the X-ray spectral analysis of the microcrystals formed on a silicon sample surface that was simultaneously doped with gallium and antimony atoms, it was demonstrated that the sample surface layer contains microcrystals having silicon, gallium, and antimony atoms. This allowed to admit a possibility of the oriented growth of crystals of the composition (GaSb)0,8(Si)0,2 on the silicon surface. A substantial impact of the processes of the complex formation that occured at high concentrations of ions of diffusing impurities on the distribution profile of charge carriers is demonstrated. Materials containing GaSb-type complexes in the bulk of the silicon lattice can be produced using ion doping, simultaneous diffusion, or epitaxy processes.


Keywords: silicon, gallium, antimony, diffusion, complex formation, binding energy.

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