Investigation of Hydrodynamic Characteristics of Pulse-Wave Action for Various Technological Modes of Electric Discharge Installations for the Destruction of Non-Metallic Materials


CZU 532:537


A method for the calculation of high voltage discharge channel parameters (pressure, radius, and expansion velocity) for electric discharge units for destruction of non-metallic materials is presented. It allowed to investigate the influence of installation parameters (inductance, voltage and capacitance) on the hydrodynamic parameters of the discharge channel and generated pressure wave.It is noted that increasing inductivity results in decreasing pressure and expanding discharge channel rate, increasing voltage results in increasing active characteristics of the discharge channel, and increasing capacitance results in increasing discharge current, while pressure andexpanding discharge channel rate remaining practically unchanged. The effective area of destruction which depends on the parameters of the technological modes of the cycles, strength properties of the destructible material and electrical conductivity of the discharge medium were determined. The recommendations for selecting operating modes of electrodischarge installations for disintegration of non-metallic materials have been given.


Keywords: hydrodynamic characteristics, electric discharge, discharge channel parameters, pressure wave, discharge channel expansion rate, fracture.

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