Hydrodynamic Characteristics of High-Voltage Electrochemical Explosion with Controlled Input of Electric Energy into the Discharge Channel


CZU 532:537




Based on the results of the mathematical modeling and experimental studies of the hydrodynamic characteristics of a high-voltage electrochemical explosion with a controlled input of electrical energy into the discharge channel, а possibility of the targeted and operational control of the force effect on the treatment object during a controlled high-voltage electrochemical explosion is substantiated. It is shown that by varying the mass of the exothermic composition placed in the inter-electrode gap and the modes of introducing electrical energy into the channel of a high-voltage electrochemical explosion, it is possible to control its hydrodynamic characteristics, forming pressure waves in the medium with a rational spatiotemporal distribution, providing an effective force effect on the treatment object.


Keywords: high-voltage electrochemical explosion, water-filled exothermic composition, pulsed current generator, controlled energy input, discharge channel, hydrodynamic characteristics, amplitude and duration of the pressure wave.

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