The Sixtieth Anniversary of the Institute of Applied Physics of Moldova State University. Traditions and Modernity.


CZU 621.1


The sixty–year history of the Institute of Applied Physics of Moldova State University is outlined starting from the formation of the first basic laboratories, pilot production, and launching the journal "Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov” to a reputable scientific center recognized in the world scientific and technical community with a well-known scientific and technical potential, with organization of conferences and scientific forums, extensive international relations, training of highly qualified personnel, involvement in national and international projects. Scientific directions, the structure, recognized fundamental and applied results, well-known scientific schools, publication of a high-rating international journal, of monographs, articles in prestigious journals, international scientific cooperation, numerous organized conferences, formulation and development of works providing a closedcycle – from fundamental to applied research, are outlined. The implementation of the results in the form of advanced technologies and technical means for their application, the main aspects of optimizing the structure, updating the research topics, the development of innovative, patented and publishing activities are described. Numerous illustrations reflect events of the past years – components of the "biography" of the institute, complement the description, create a more comprehensive retrospective picture of the path traveled, including worthy of attention facts on participation in events that determine the future of research and innovation. It is emphasized that the Institute of Applied Physics with its interesting and significant, relevant and promising fundamental and applied research, impressive achievements, well-founded traditions, aspirations and expectations, has been and will remain bright and attractive also for those wishing to continue their trainings through doctoral and postdoctoral programmes and work at the institute or collaborate with its friendly staff.


Keywords: sixtieth anniversary, areas of research, structure, publication of an international journal, training of highly qualified personnel, organization of scientific conferences, international cooperation, updating of topics, traditions and modernity.

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