Industrial Application of the Diamond-Electrochemical Honing Method


CZU 67.05


The method of diamond-electrochemical honing (DEH) is a finishing method that provides the required characteristics of the surface roughness, the distribution of the residual surface stress diagrams, which ultimately ensures the formation of a high-strength electroplated coating. This article presents studies of changes in the surface roughness, the residual stresses, and other parameters depending on the selected DEH modes for the parts made of steels 30KhGSA, 30KhN2MFA, 35KhN2MFASH, 23KhGS2MFALU, and St. 50A. The article presents the design of the instrument-khon; with the solution of the issue of the geometric characteristics of the cathode part, the insulating coating and the material of the hone tool guides. The regime support of the DEH was formed on the base of the studies whose results of are given in the article. The selected kinematic-geometric indicators of the hone-tool – a workpiece system make it possible to form the drives of the DEH equipment. The optimal composition of the DEH electrolyte was chosen with the creation of an electrolyte storage and a supply system.                  The article contains the results that demonstrate the effect of DEH on the reliability and durability of the parts subjected to the use of this method. The data on the technical and economic efficiency of the created industrial site of DEH are presented.


Keywords: diamond-electrochemical honing, galvanic chrome plating, hone-tool, electrolyte, equipment, durability.

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