Electroactivation - Emerging Method of Processing of Whеy with Medium Protein Content


CZU 637.344.2(637.024), 637.344.8




The results of the studies of electroactivation, an emerging method of non-waste processing of secondary dairy products, namely, whey with a medium protein content, in order to recover whey proteins into protein mineral concentrates, are presented. Processing was carried out in electrolyzers with different ratios of the volume of the processed whey to the surface of the electrode/cathode with different constructive and geometric parameters, which influences the specific energy consumption per unit volume. The main purpose was the maximum recovery of whey proteins into protein mineral concentrates at low energy costs, and the exclusion of "dead" / inefficient zones of diaphragm electrolyzers. The degree of the recovery of whey protein depending on the pH values, the redox potential, and the temperature during electroactivation was analysed. This justifies the optimization of the technical parameters of electrolyzers for whey with a medium protein content.


Keywords: electroactivation, electrolyzers, secondary dairy products, whey proteins, constructive and geometrical parameters, whey.

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