Development and Creation of a New Class of Silicon-Based Varizone Structures Involving <i>Zn</i> and <i>Se</i> Atoms


CZU 621.315.592  


A possibility of the formation of structures such as compounds of elements between chalcogenides and the transition group of metals in the crystal lattice of silicon is studied. This is an urgent problem in electronics. It is shown that, under certain technological conditions,  a sufficient concentration of unit cells is formed, which leads to a change in the band structure of silicon itself, i.e. a micro- and nanoscale inclusion in silicon with a direct-gap structure is obtained. The possibilities of creating a fundamentally new class of photocells with an extended spectral sensitivity region, as well as light-emitting devices, light-emitting diodes and lasers based on them are shown.


Keywords: silicon, photodetectors, interactions, nanoclusters, graded-gap structure, unit cell, solubility, selenium, zinc.

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