On the Electromagnetic Radiation Associated with Zero and First Modes of a Droplet Oscillating in an External Electrostatic Field


CZU 532.6:534.1:551.501.8: 551.594




The paper deals with electromagnetic radiation generated by capillary oscillations of the zero and first modes of oscillations of a droplet in an external electrostatic field. It is assumed that the droplet of an ideal incompressible electrically conductive liquid has a zero total electric charge and that it is charged in an external uniform electrostatic field by induced charges of opposite signs. The radiation under discussion is detected via analytical asymptotic calculations of the second order infinitesimal by the dimensionless amplitude of the droplet oscillations in an external electrostatic field. An analytical expression was found for the intensity of the electromagnetic radiation associated with oscillations of the zero and first modes, and the dependence of the intensity of radiation on the value of the field strength, the droplet size, and the value of the surface tension coefficient.


Keywords: droplet, electrostatic field, capillary oscillations, centrally symmetric and translational modes, electromagnetic radiation.

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