Corrosion and Electrochemical Behavior of the Alloys of Ni-Re System Alloyed by Zirconium, Hafnium, Tungsten, and Palladium


CZU 621.9.047.7:669.018.8




The comparative corrosion resistance and electrochemical behavior in acidic, alkaline, and neutral media of both pure metals and the Ni-Re alloys doped with zirconium, hafnium, tungsten, and palladium were investigated. A positive effect of zirconium on the corrosion resistance of the Ni-Re alloy in all studied media was demonstrated. It is shown that the Ni-Re alloy doped with hafnium also improves corrosion resistance and compensates its reduction at the introduction to a tungsten alloy. It is shown that the Ni-Re alloy doped with zirconium together with palladium has the maximum corrosion resistance.


Keywords: corrosion resistance, nickel-rhenium alloys, zirconium, hafnium, tungsten, palladium, tests in aggressive media.

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