On Increments of Instability of Capillary Waves on the Surface of a Charged Electrically Conductive Jet Moving Relative to the Medium


CZU 532.517.013.4:77.051.15


DOI https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2022.58.4.12


For the first azimuthal modes of a charged jet of an electrically conductive incompressible liquid, the increments of the instability of capillary waves, their magnitude and dependence on the physical parameters of the task, the position of the instability zones on the set of wave numbers were investigated. In the conducted studies, it was found that the widths of the ranges of wave numbers of unstable waves and the values of instability increments depend on the square of the intensity of an electrostatic field and the square of the speed of relative motion, increasing at a higher field strength and speed. In the absence of a charge on the jet, bending instability has a threshold character, and it is realized not at any low speed value but starting from some final value of it. 


Keywords: liquid jet, charge, material medium, instability increment, azimuthal number.

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