Influence of Electrohydrodynamic Flows on Intensification of the Heat- and Mass Transfer Processes. <br>Part III. Electroconvection and Electrohydrodynamic Pumps in Cooling and Thermostating Systems.


CZU 532.5: 537 + 536.24:537




The efficiency of the electrohydrodynamic (EHD) cooling and thermostating systems of electronic and electrical devices is investigated. A design of electroconvective cooling of an X-ray generator is proposed, the effectiveness of which is confirmed on laboratory models and full-scale samples. The anode temperature was reduced by a factor of two, the duration of the emitter operation increased, the reliability of the device improved. Various methods of cooling a high-voltage transformer are presented allowing to increase the specific power, reduce the weigh, size parameters, and temperature of the coolant, augment the resource. Studies have been conducted to establish the possibility of thermostating the heat-emitting element (block) by EHD methods when both external and internal conditions change. The design of an EHD thermostat with an automatic thermal stabilization system has been developed and tested (the temperature is maintained with an accuracy of ± 0.05 °С). A frame with an EHD liquid circuit and an EHD thermostat has been designed, which allows to significantly reduce longitudinal temperature differences and its deformation. The high efficiency of EHD cooling methods is shown by an example of a block of light-emitting diodes, small elements and components of electronic equipment, the use of electrodes – wires with a perforated insulating coating when cooling flat heat-emitting surfaces; a sevenfold increase in the heat transfer coefficient is achieved.


Keywords: electrohydrodynamic systems, pumps, pumping, turbulence, cooling, thermostat, thermal stabilization, X-ray emitter, electrodes, high-voltage transformer, suspension frame, light-emitting diodes block, insulation coating, perforation, resource.

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