Specific Features of the Interaction of <i>R-23 (CHF3)</i> High-Frequency Discharge Freon with Gallium Arsenide and Silicon


CZU 537.525


DOI https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2022.58.2.61


To form topology on the surface of semiconductors, halogen-containing plasma, in particular freons, is often used. This article presents a comparative study of the plasma-chemical interaction of R-23 freon with the semiconductors surface by the atomic-force microscopy; silicon and gallium arsenide in terms of purity and uniformity of the process. Freon R-23 is widely used in the technology of industrial etching of Si, Ge, and a  number of other materials, providing acceptable rates of interaction while maintaining a uniform surface suitable for further operations of the technological cycle.


Keywords: рlasma, etching, surface, topology, freons, emiconductors.

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