Factors of Influence on the Energy Efficiency of Exothermal Transformations in a Controlled High-Voltage Electrochemical Explosion


CZU 532:537.528


DOI https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2022.58.2.52


The analysis of the results of experimental studies of the influence of changes in the initial conditions on the energy characteristics of a controlled high-voltage electrochemical explosion (HVECE) is carried out, the main factors affecting the specific energy efficiency of chemical transformations of a water-filled exothermic medium (WFEM) in its discharge channel are determined. The range of rational changes in the main factors has been established in which an increase in the specific energy efficiency of exothermic transformations of the WFEM in the channel of the controlled HVECE is ensured. This will make it possible to reduce the weight and size characteristics and power consumption of the pulse current                   generator to ensure the necessary energy characteristics of the controlled HVECE, specified by a specific discharge-pulse technology.


Keywords: high-voltage electrochemical explosion, water-filled exothermic medium, pulse current generator, controlled energy input, discharge channel, exothermic chemical reaction, specific energy efficiency.

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