Calculation of Basic Average Drift Characteristics of Free Electrons in a Metallic Conductor with Electric Current


CZU 621.3.01:621.313




The results of an approximate calculation of theaveraged values of speeds of vmz of a longitudinal drift of lone electrons, and of circular frequencies of ωmz change of longitudinal electronic waves de Broglie and of lengths of λmz of longitudinal electronic waves de Broglie in the metal of round cylindrical conductor with an electric axial-flow current of conductivity of i0(t) of different kinds (permanent, variable, and impulsive) and amplitude-time parameters (ATP). The results of verification of the obtained calculation correlations for speeds of vmz drift of lone electrons and lengths of λmz of electronic de Broglie waves in the examined conductor demonstrate their validity and working capacity. The obtained data confirm the quantum-wave nature of the electric current of conductivity of the indicated kinds of i0(t) and of ATP in a metallic conductor.


Keywords: metallic conductor, electric current of conductivity, drift of lone electrons in a conductor, longitudinal electronic de Broglie waves, average characteristic of drift of electrons.


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