On Influence of Liquids Viscosity on Drops Formation Regularities During Realization of Electrohydrodynamic Instability


CZU 544.773.3


DOI https://doi.org/10.52577/eom.2022.58.1.30


In a theoretical analytical way, the peculiarities of the influence of the viscosity of a liquid on its electro-dispersion, from the end of the capillary, through which the liquid is supplied to the discharge system, or during the decay of a strongly charged drop, were investigated.        It was shown that when a low-viscosity liquid was electrodispersed, it emited highly charged small droplets, initially unstable with respect to its own charge, breaking up into a couple of a hundred even smaller and highly charged ones, around which a corona discharge was ignited. As a result, a fan-shaped glow appeared at the top of the meniscus of the liquid at the end of the capillary or at the top of the decaying charged drop. For a viscous fluid, a series of successive decays of charged daughter droplets were immediately interrupted due to the damping effect of viscosity after a single split in half and the formation of self-charge-resistant droplets, and no corona discharge flare was formed.


Keywords: charged meniscus, instability, fan glow, drop, charge, viscosity, jet.

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