Peculiarities of Propagation of Standing Electromagnetic and Electronic Waves in a Metallic Conductor under Alternating Conduction Current


CZU 621.3.01: 621.313




The paper demonstrates the results of approximate calculations on the establishment of basic features of the propagation of standing transversal electromagnetic waves (EMWs) and standing longitudinal de Broglie electronic waves in a homogeneous not massive non-magnetic metallic conductor of finite dimensions (the radius r0 and the length l0 >>r0) with the alternating axial-flow current of conductivity of i0(t) of different peak-temporal parameters. The correlation for the rated estimation of the average velocity of propagation of the standing transversal EMWs and standing longitudinal de Broglie electronic waves in a metal (alloy) of the indicated conductor is presented. It is shown that quantized standing transversal EMWs arising in a metallic conductor of finite dimensions substantially differ from ordinary transversal EMWs, propagated in the conducting environments of unlimited dimensions. An important feature of the standing transversal EMWs in the examined conductor is the fact that their tension of an axial-flow electric-field advances by a phase their tension of an azimuthal magnetic-field on the corner of π/2. It was established that in the standing transversal EMWs of the used conductor the energy of their electric field only passes into the energy of their magnetic field and vice versa. Therefore the standing transversal EMWs do not transfer the flows of the electromagnetic energy on the surface of the studied conductor.


Keywords: metallic conductor, alternating conduction current, standing transversal electromagnetic waves, standing longitudinal de Broglie electronic waves, veloсity of waves propagation.

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