Formation of Uniform Coatings via Pulsed Laser Deposition


CZU 621.373.8



The present paper deals with the selection of laser beam processing parameters that guarantee the formation of thin coatings with even thickness by means of the laser beam deposition. Laser deposition was carried out in the atmosphere of Ar and Si and SiC samples were used as a source for the deposited material. Preliminary experiments show that there is a direct dependency between the brightness of the image of the deposited layer (at uniform illumination conditions) and its thickness. Therefore, it was possible to determine the thickness of the deposited layer for various processing parameters and to calculate the laws of motion of the work piece that guarantee the deposition of the layer with a minimal deviation of thickness from the required value. Calculated parameters were successfully used for the deposition of coatings on a substrate of a relatively large area.


Keywords: laser, laser technology, pulsed laser deposition, optimization of technological processes.

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