Usage of Track Membranes as Separators for Separation of Anode and Cathode Spaces in Induced Coprecipitation of Fe-W Coatings from Citrate Bath


CZU 541.138.2:544.654.2




The possibilities of the track membranes with the pore different sizes (0.42–0.76 µm) for the separation of cathode and anodic spaces at induced codeposition of Fe-W coatings from a citrate bath are described. The use of track membranes allowed to increase for about two-fold the current efficiency of electrodeposition without increasing the energy intensity and to ensure the constancy of microhardness during continuous electrolysis. It is noted that membranes have limited capabilitiessince they only play the role of microfilters and do not have ion-exchange properties.


Keywords: electrodeposition, induced coprecipitation, Fe-W coatings, microhardness, membranes.


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