On the Force of Electrostatic Interaction between Two Conducting Disks


CZU 537.217

DOI https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4455885


Electrostatic interaction of two conducting objects with preset charges on their surfaces in a zero external field is considered. The electrostatic induction is taken into account.  The calculations are carried out by the higher order h-adaptive finite element method. The force of interaction between two conducting coaxial discs is presented. The interaction of an object in the form of a disk and an object in the form of a ball is also considered. Using numerical calculations, it is shown that with increasing the distance between the objects, already at distances comparable with the size of them, the force of interaction between a charged and an uncharged object is determined mainly by the shape of the uncharged object.


Keywords: electrostatic interaction, charged conducting objects, finite element method.

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