Assessment of the Impurities Impact on Achieving the Effect of Local Surface Plasmon Resonance


CZU 535.215.5




The method for electrophoretic deposition of nanocluster coatings on receiving surface of silicon photoelectric converters (PEC) from a colloidal silver solution is proposed. It is noted that the resulting coatings have a surface plasmon resonance (SPR) effect. A relevant phenomenological model for assessing the effect of non-metallic impurities likely incorporated during coating application on the occurrence of the SPR is proposed. Calculations in the multy-physical COMSOL 5.5 medium shows that the plasmon resonance condition is performed in the wavelength region of 270–370 nm when impurities are absent. The presence of non-metallic impurities reduces the probability of SPR and makes it impossible at admixtures concentrations of about 0.1 at.%. The experiment showed full compliance with the calculations.


Keywords: nanoclaster coatings, photovoltaic converters, surface plasmon resonance, non-metallic impurities.

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