High Rate Pulse-Galvanostatic Anodic Dissolution of Nickel-Chromium Steels in Electrolytes for Their Electrochemical Machining. Impact of Surface Temperature.


CZU 62-408.64


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4299735


Pulse-galvanostatic dissolution of steels Cr18Ni10 and Cr35NiWTi at current densities up to 100 A/sm2 under conditions of their electrochemical machining in chloride, nitrate, and mixed chloride-nitrate electrolytes was investigated. In was shown that at a pulse duration of 20 µs – 2 ms and a duty cycle of ˂ 50% in all solutions (except the dissolution of Cr35NiWTi in chlorides) the limiting Faraday dissolution rate (~0,18 mg/C) is achieved. This corresponds to the values of the current efficiencies for dissolution of Cr18Ni10 – 50% and of Cr35NiWTi – 68%. An increase of the current efficiency at transition to direct current takes place. The determining role in this process is that of a rise in the surface temperature.


Keywords: electrochemical machining, high rate anodic dissolution, nickel-chromium alloys, pulse machining, electrolytes for electrochemical machining.

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