Physicomechanical and Tribological Properties of Carbon-Containing Surface Nanocomposites Obtained by Electrospark Alloying


CZU 621.9.048.4




Nanostructured composite surface layers of metal articles improve application requirements. Under the conditions of electrospark alloying (ESA), both the material transfer to the treated surface and the change in its characteristics under the influence of an electric discharge occur. A possibility of surface modification during ESA with the use of electrodes containing carbide phases, as well as with the use of graphite electrodes in order to form such phases, has been investigated. The main purpose of that was to strengthen the surface and to increase its friction resistance. Electrodes from T15K6 and VK8 alloys, as well as from steel 45, tungsten, and graphite were used. It is shown that the presence of carbides in the surface layers has a decisive influence on the wear resistance, in particular, when a steel 45 electrode is used. With an increase of the carbides concentration in the substrate, the wear resistance of the obtained layers also increases. It is shown the ESA treatment with tungsten and graphite electrodes with sequential deposition of a number of alternating layers allows the obtaining of carbide-containing surface layers directly in alloying process.


Keywords: electrospark alloying, microhardness, wear resistance, carbide-containing layers.

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