Parameters of Electrostatic Disintegration of the Charged Drop Hanging in Superposition Electrostatic, Gravitational, and Aerodynamic Fields


CZU 544.018.2:544.344.-013-14-13:544.772




On the base of the principle of the minimal energy dissipation rate in nonequilibrium processes, the characteristic sizes, charges, and values of the Rayleigh parameter of daughter droplets formed at realization of electrostatic instability of the parental drop hanging in a storm cloud under dynamic conditions of superposition gravitational, aerodynamic, and electrostatic fields are calculated. It is found that in comparison with the same characteristics of disintegration of the charged drop unstable in relation to their own charges, in a model situation of a motionless drop, there is a number of differences: in the quantity of the emitted daughter droplets, in their sizes and charges, ia trend of change of all parameters with an increase in the serial number of a daughter droplet. It is found that those droplets are initially unstable in relation to the electric charge on them, and that the degree of their instability grows with an increase in the serial number.


Keywords: charged drop, electric, gravitationa and aerodynamic fields, electrodispersion.

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