Evaluation of Oxidation Inhibitors for Connecting Aluminum Conductors


CZU 62-97,621.3.049.7,621.3.06,537.312


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4045929


A large transition resistance between conductors can cause energy losses, as well as lead to an increase in fire hazard at energy facilities. This is especially true for aluminum conductors since a strong, dielectric oxide film is formed on the aluminum surface when interacting with oxygen contained in the air. This oxide film significantly increases the transition resistance. One way to solve this problem is to use oxidation inhibitors which can significantly reduce contact resistance. The article presents a comparison of oxidation inhibitors from producers of different countries. The results of studies of inhibitors under the influence of high and low temperatures are also shown. Rather high efficiency of inhibitors is shown as a means of reducing the transition resistance.


Keywords: aluminum, electrical contact, aluminum oxidation, oxidation inhibitor, energy losses, transient resistance, high temperatures, low temperatures.

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