About the Developer and Outstanding Specialist in Electrospark Machining of Materials. <br>On 110<sup>th</sup> Anniversary of Academician B.R. Lazarenko.


CZU 001


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4047638


The history of the Institute of Applied Physics, founded by Boris Romanovich Lazarenko, is outlined starting from the formation of the first basic laboratories, material and technical resources, pilot production, establishing of the journal “Elektronnaya obrabotka materialov”, Special designing and technological bureau of solid-state electronics and further to the development of its reputable professional scientific and engineering human resources, organization of conferences and scientific forums, involvement in broad scientific cooperation are discussed. The participation of outstanding scientists in the development of the directions and subjects of scientific research and training of the researchers is demonstrated. The activities of the institute are described, the appreciation of the fundamental and applied results, training of high-quality researches, establishing of famous scientific schools, editing of a highly indexed international journal, monographs and collections of papers, publications in various prestigious journals, international scientific cooperation, participation in numerous scientific conferences, development and strategy of setting up works providing a closed cycle: from fundamental to applied research, implementation of results in the form of advanced technologies and technical means for their implementation. The main aspects of the structure optimization, research topics, innovation, expanding international cooperation, patent and publishing activities are highlighted.


Keywords: electrospark method, alloying, electrical erosion dimensional processing, pilot production, special designing and technological bureau of solid-state electronics, fundamental and applied research, training of scientific personnel, patent and publishing activities, conferences, scientific cooperation.

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