Registration of Influence of Millimeter Electromagnetic Waves on Yeast Cells Using Dynamic Speckles


CZU 577.35:57.043:576.322




Using the method of decorrelation of dynamic speckles in real time, the influence of millimeter electromagnetic waves on the mobility of Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells deposited on a glass substrate was studied. The mobility of biological cells that lack a natural function of movement is determined primarily by the Brownian motion. It was found that under the influence of radiation, at frequencies in a range of 41–42 GHz, depending on the frequency, an increase or a decrease in the cell mobility occurs, associated with a corresponding change in the forces of electrostatic adhesion to the substrate surface. A direct influence of millimeter waves on the electrical subsystem of an isolated cell is demonstrated for the first time.


Keywords: biological effects of millimeter waves, dynamic speckles, decorrelation, adhesion, dielectrophoresis.

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