New Hybrid Polymeric Nanocomposites Based on Polyvinylidene Fluoride+CdS/ZnS: Structure and Dielectric Properties


CZU 537.226.83




The structure and dielectric properties of new hybrid polymeric nanocomposites based on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF)+CdS/ ZnS were studied. It was found that at low concentrations, ZnS and CdS nanoparticles play the role of a structure former for the polymer matrix, and, in the nanocomposites, new polar groups and stable traps for electric charges appear, which, in turn, results in an increase in the dielectric constant and polarizability of PVDF+CdS/ZnS based nanocomposites. A further increase in the concentration of nanoparticles leads to the fact that nanoparticles behave as a separate dispersed phase, and with an increase in the content of this phase, the conductivity of nanocomposites increases, and the consequently polarized ability of nanocomposites gradually decreases.


Keywords: nanocomposite, polyvinylidene fluoride, cadmium sulphide, zinc sulphide, polymer.

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