Application of Ultrasound and Ultraviolet Radiation in Hybrid Methods of Water Disinfection


CZU 628.316.6




The hybrid sonophotochemical methods of water disinfection by ultrasound in conjunction with ultraviolet radiation (US/UV) under sequential and simultaneous modes and in the presence of oxidants and catalysts are reviewed. Literature survey showed that the processes of inactivation of pathogenic microorganisms in aqueous media by high-frequency US (>100 kHz) have been insufficiently studied, and only low-frequency US (<100 kHz) and low-pressure mercury lamps (254 nm) have been applied in hybrid systems such as US/UV. Higher levels of reactive oxygen species (primarily, hydroxyl radicals) are generated under treatment with high-frequency US and the additional UV irradiation provides a synergistic effect. Therefore, application of high-frequency US and mercury-free UV sources in the hybrid oxidation systems, including Fenton-like processes, have a high potential for intensifying disinfection processes and improving their (energy) efficiency.


Keywords: ultrasound, ultraviolet radiation, micro-organisms, inactivation, water disinfection.

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