Features of Control of Process of Electro-Erosive Cutting by a Thin Electrode a Wire


CZU 621.9.048.4


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3369708


The experience of the electrical discharge micro-machining is reported. The peculiarities of electro-erosive cutting of pieces with a wire-electrode – a tool with a diameter of 7–20 µm. The results of the study are interpreted using the developed mathematical model of the electro-erosive cutting process, accumulating the available experimental data on the dynamics of the electro-erosive cutting process with a non-rigid electrode-wire. The problem of stability of the process of micro-machining with a thin wire via a discrete feed of the electrode – a tool. The ways of reaching the cutting speed limit under the given conditions are determined.


Keywords: electrical discharge machining, micro-machining, cutting, electrode – tool, stiffness, dynamics, control, mathematical model, stability.

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