Assessment of Technological Availability to Form Electrical Insulating Coatings on AK6 Alloy by Microarc Oxidation


CZU 621.791.75




The dielectric properties of the coatings on the AK6 alloy formed by the microarc method in two electric modes in alkali-silicate electrolytes are estimated. It is shown that both modes, namely, galvanostatic and the randomly falling power in alternating current circuits, make it possible to obtain coatings with thickness of 30–60 μm which display sufficiently high electrophysical parameters: specific cubic resistance ρv = 3…9×109 Ω·m and electric strength E = 9…14 W/μm. It is established that higher values ρv and E in both modes can be achieved in the solutions of 1 g/l KOH + 6 g/l WG (water glass) and 12 g/l WG. In terms of absolute values, the para-meters of coatings formed in the mode of the randomly falling power exceed the same characteristics of the oxide layers formed under conditions of the galvanostatic mode by 1.5…2.5 times.


Keywords: microarc oxidation, dielectric properties, galvanostatic mode coatings.

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