Experimental Study of Pressure Waves at the Electrical Wire Explosion under High Hydrostatic Pressures


CZU 537.528


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1968903


The paper presents the results of experimental studies of the effect of hydrostatic pressure, charging voltage, stored discharge energy, and conductor diameter on the amplitude of the pressure wave in the electric wire explosion in water. It is shown that the amplitude of the pressure wave generated in a liquid increases with an increase in the stored energy and charging voltage, and with the optimum diameter of the wire, which provides the maximum amplitude of the pressure wave. When the hydrostatic pressure was raised, the amplitude of the generated pressure wave reduced for a thin initiating wire (0.14 mm dia. wire was used) and no effect on a thick wire (0.5 mm or larger diameter). Moreover, the paper indicates the need to ensure a good hard contact between the electrodes of the electrode system and the metallic wire during the electrical explosion of a wire in a liquid, otherwise there is the loss of the efficiency of the mechanical action due to a decrease in the amplitude of the pressure wave.


Keywords: electrical wire explosion, pressure wave amplitude, hydrostatic pressure, charging voltage, stored discharge energy.

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