Peculiarities of Magnetic Properties of Thin Film Composites Based on Crystals of CoGa<sub>x</sub>Fe<sub>2-x</sub>O<sub>4</sub> Solid Solution and Polivinildenfertide


CZU 666.291.3+621.039+546.6556




Thin-film magnetic composite films based on polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) and a solid solution of the CoGaxFe2-xO4 type (x = 1,75) were synthesized and their magnetic characteristics were studied. The dependences of the magnetic permeability on the frequency and the strength of the alternating field were investigated. It is assumed that the reason of the growth of the magnetic permeability against the magnetic field strength is the displacement of the domain boundaries and the orientation of the domain moments under the action of an external field, and a sharp decrease in the magnetic permeability against the frequency of the magnetic field is due to the demagnetizing effect of the eddy currents.


Keywords: composite, solid solution, magnetic permeability, ferrite, domains, domain boundaries.

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