On Methodology of Strengthening and Restoration of Functional Surfaces of Machine Parts, of Improving their Efficiency, and on Criteria of their Assessment at Electrospark Alloying. Part 2. Methodology Diagram of Electrospark Alloying Investigations...


CZU 621.9.048


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1345700


The paper deals with obtaining required functional characteristics of functional surfaces of various conductive pieces and products of engineering industry by the application of electrospark alloying. Раrt 2 discusses methodological issues related to the process of electrospark alloying and the selection of criteria for its assessment with the account of additional factors influencing that selection.


Keywords: electrospark alloying, methodology, functional characteristics, pieces, functional surface, alloyed coating, technology, anode, cathode.

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