Faradaic Processes in The Interaction of Low-Temperature Plasma with Water and Aqueous Solutions


CZU 537.527+66.088


DOI  https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1297933


The paper considers the mechanism of the reaction that leads to a change in the physicochemical properties of water in case of its electrochemical activation with non-equilibrium plasma. The uniqueness of the method of low-temperature plasma electrolysis (LTPE) consists in the fact that one electrode is in the liquid phase while the other is placed at some distance from the liquid surface, which offers new possibilities of the electrochemical method. It is shown that when water is treated by LTPE, destructive changes take place in it, which results in the formation of peroxide and superoxide compounds that have good oxidation properties. It is supposed that the mechanism of these processes is based on the occurrence and functioning of a bipolar electrode at the liquid-gas interface.


Keywords: water activation, faradaic process, low-temperature plasma, plasma electrolysis, water electrolysis.

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