Control of the Process of Electric-Discharge Synthesis of Nanocarbon from Gaseous Hydrocarbons on Metallic Surfaces


CZU 681.51:537.523: 661.666.4:667.64




A system for controlling the process of high-voltage high-frequency electric-discharge synthesis of nanocarbon on metallic surfaces in a carbon-containing gas environment has been developed. The criteria that determine the productive mode of the synthesis of nanocarbon are defined. The control is carried out by the minimax optimality criterion, which allows maintaining the current value in the range of the productive mode of the synthesis of carbon nanomaterials with an onion-like structure. The control of the movement of a sample of the structural surface relative to the electrode during the synthesis ensures the uniformity of the coating of the structural surface with a layer of a synthesized nanocarbon material.


Keywords: electric-discharge synthesis of nanocarbon, gaseous hydrocarbons, high-voltage high-frequency discharge, control system, criterion of optimality.

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