Bending and Deformation Waves on a Surface of Volume Charged Cylindrical Jet of the Dielectric Liquid Moving in the Material Environment


CZU 532.5




Analytical research into the stability of non axisymmetric capillary waves on a surface of volume charged cylindrical jets of an ideal incompressible dielectric liquid, moving in ideal incompressible dielectric environment, made it possible to specify the conditions of realization of instability of waves with azimuthal numbers one and two are found, which corresponds to excitement of bending and deformation waves. It is shown that because of a tangential jump of the field of speeds on a jet surface, for non axisymmetric waves there is a realization of instability like the Kelvin-Helmholtz one, on the interface of a jet and its environment. The linear dimensions of ranges of wave numbers of unstable waves and the sizes of increments of instability are defined by values of the charging Weber's parameters. The variation of dielectric permeability of a jet and environment influences characteristics of wave movements, including those in the range of instability realization.


Keywords: non axisymmetric waves, electric charge, movement related to medium, instability.

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