Influence of Fluid Parameters on the Amplitude of Pressure Wave Generated by Electric Discharge


CZU 537.528




An experimental study of the effect of hydrostatic pressure, temperature and specific electrical conductivity of a liquid on the amplitude of a pressure wave generated by an electric discharge in a liquid during electric discharge treatment of oil wells is performed. The obtained results showed that with increasing hydrostatic pressure, the amplitude of the generated pressure wave decreases. The use of a fluid with a conductivity of 0.53 S/m as a working medium (which is close to the value of the specific conductivity of the produced water) leads to a decrease (up to 67%) in the amplitude of the pressure wave. Therefore, when processing oil wells using the electric discharge immersion device, it is necessary to use a treatment scheme with a closed electrode system, since in this case the processing efficiency does not depend on the electrical conductivity of the downhole fluid.


Keywords: pressure wave amplitude, electric discharge in a liquid, electric discharge treatment of wells, hydrostatic pressure, specific electric conductivity, temperature, intensification of oil production.

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