Investigation of the Effect of Electrolyte Composition and Behavior of Micro Arc Oxidation Process on the Structure, Morphology and Properties of Oxide-Ceramic Coatings


CZU 621.793




The paper presents the results of the study of the formation of coatings on the surface of aluminum alloy D16 by microarc oxidation in the anodic-cathode regime with discontinuation of the discharge from the basic silicate-alkaline electrolyte consisting of three solutions, in each of which the concentration of the components gradually increase. For comparison, the microarc oxidation process was also carried out in the absence of the discharge interruption from the silicate-alkaline electrolyte, which was close to the basic one. The study has shown that a change in the mode of formation of oxide-ceramic coatings leads to changes in their growth mechanism. The presence of sodium tetraborate in the electrolyte affects the properties of the coatings. The interrelation of morphology, composition, structure, porosity and thickness of coatings with the formation regimes and composition of electrolytes is established, which provides an opportunity to obtain oxide-ceramic coatings with predetermined properties.


Keywords: microarc oxidation, oxide-ceramic coatings, electrolyte solution, elemental composition, morphology and structure, thermo- and plasma-chemical reactions, formation mode, interrupt of discharge.

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